How to Daily Use Bag Filter
I. Daily Operation
Regularly check the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the bag filter system during operation. When the pressure difference reaches 0.05~0.1 MPa, replace the filter bag promptly to avoid bag rupture or damage to the support mesh due to excessive pressure.

II. Properly Opening the Filter Lid After Filtration
Warning: Do not open the lid while there is pressure inside the bag filter, as remaining liquid may spray out, causing liquid loss and potential injury.
Please follow the steps below:
Close the inlet valve; if there is pressure at the outlet, close the outlet valve.
Ensure that the pipe connected to the vent valve is directed to a safe area or suction port (especially important when filtering toxic or corrosive liquids), then open the vent valve to prevent liquid from harming personnel or contaminating the surrounding environment.
Check the pressure gauge to confirm that the internal pressure is zero, at which point the bag filter is separated from the piping system.
For filters with a drain valve, ensure that the drain is directed to a collection point, then open the drain valve. Allow any remaining liquid in the bag filter to drain completely through the valve, and then close the drain valve. This draining process can be assisted by applying pressure (refer to the pressurized draining procedure).
Unscrew the lifting nuts on the lid and lift the lid. For multi-bag filters, rotate the lid to a certain angle if needed.
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